About the International Sections

The International Sections

 3 main aims :

  • to enable children arriving in France from abroad to integrate into the French education system and maintain their level of language so that they can easily fit back into the system of their own country upon their return.

  • to create a favourable, high-level, language learning environment thanks to the presence of non-French mother-tongue speakers in the classes.

  • to encourage cultural exchanges, creating understanding and curiosity concerning the different countries' cultural heritages.

Four hours of Language lessons per week.


            The children receive four hours of tuition in either German or English. All of the other lessons are in French and follow the French National Curriculum

Admissions Proceedure

            Entry into one of the International Sections is subject to passing an oral language test, the purpose of which is to evaluate the level of the children's knowledge of the chosen language and also of French for non-French children. The tests take place during the month of May in view of a September entry. Families arriving from abroad during the summer holidays may apply for testing in September. There are no admissions during the academic school year.

The Entry test

  • The purpose of the tests at CP level (5/6 yr olds) is not only to evaluate knowledge of the section language. They also aim to establish whether beginners in the language will be able to acquire this new language without any hindrance to their learning in other areas of the curriculum.

  • At the older levels (CE1>CM2) a good level in the language is a prerequisite.

  • Although the contents of the tests remain confidential, they are no different to what is expected of children at the appropriate stage in their learning and development.

Arriving in France during the Academic School Year

  • If you live within the school's catchment area your child may join the school at any time during the school year (provided that there are places available) but only follow the normal French curriculum. You can then apply for admission to the international sections for the following school year.

  • If you live outside the catchment area then your child will need to join your local primary school and follow the normal admissions procedure for the following school year. Only children arriving from abroad during the Summer are eligible for the September test.


  • The application form for year 2020/2021 is online.

  • It is possible to download it from the website. You should then complete and send it by post along with all of the required documents, etc...

  • If (and only if) you are currently living abroad, applications may be submitted via Email to the school address : ce.0382911h@ac-grenoble.fr .

Publié le 29/01/2019
Modifié le 20/02/2020